Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi Barak Ahthah To All Of The Brothers.
Yahawah Shamar Il Ahthah Bahasham Yahawashi To All Of The Sisters.
2 Step Enrolment
It is very important to set a schedule for your princess / warrior that suits their needs. Honour that schedule. Consistency is key.
Hands on packages will be mailed out every month for all levels (Lamak, Shalach, Ahharawan, Yawanah and Hamaqabath.) They will be tailored to the specific courses. Your tuition payments will help with covering the materials cost and shipping fees.
You will need regular access to a tablet or computer, binder (s), notebook (s), pencils, something to colour with ( crayons/ pencil crayons),
If you ever need help with school materials, please reach out to your camp leader.
Accreditations / Licenses:
OCT ( Ontario Certified Teacher K-12)
Montessori Certified Teacher ( Casa 3-6 years old)
Is homeschooling allowed in Brazil?
Brazilian laws do not recognize home education as a legal modality and strongly oppose this possibility, as parents were obliged to enroll their children in school .
In the last 20 years, a growing yet modest population of Brazilian parents has adopted homeschooling, despite the fact that the practice is still illegal in the country.
Available Subjects:
-Lashawan Qadash
Classes are self paced. For each course, you will have 4 - 6 months to complete. Courses will be prerecorded videos. ​Access to a teacher is available during the week. Appointments will need to be made. Classes are ran year round. Around every Holy Day and Memorial Day, we will have 1 - 2 weeks of vacation.
Course Content
Includes lessons, assignments, quizzes and hands on activities.
Their progress and achievement will be tracked and documented.
Students are able to complete their learning materials at their own pace within a 4-6 month span. All course materials are to be submitted at the end of the 4- 6 month span. Each student learns differently. The specific submission detail is agreed between the student and their teacher.
Class Levels & Resources
Each class level consists of 3 years.
Each ISUPK school area has a private facebook group where pictures, events, updates can / will also be posted.
These courses are for families in ISUPK located all over the world.
Accreditations / Licenses
Homeschooling is legal