The importance of observation is to help the teacher know the children so she/he can offer assistance if and when needed. Only by observing will the teacher know when intervention is necessary for the child’s development. A child reveals his difficulties by the mistakes he makes. The teacher must attempt to build up an objective supportive helpful attitude in him/herself to know when and if to interfere.

Any intervention on our part must be governed by our assessment of the situation e.g. if our interference is likely to diminish or to develop interest. The child's interest is a delicate matter, because it is the lifeblood of development. Representing an activity at a later time or challenging a child toward perfection through points of interest may help to focus a child's attention.
We must learn to respect the child who is absorbed in a constructive activity even when he makes a mistake. The guiding principle is not to interrupt constructive work that is being done with interest.

Abuse of material must be corrected, at once, firmly yet gently. If intervention is necessary one must aim at reorienting the child by re-directing actions, or by giving choices. For young children sometimes even a small distraction like a smile or a look of offering assistance is enough to re-orient the child to purposeful work. Any intervention should be expressed positively and helpfully. Giving the children the chance to self-correct confirms your confidence in their abilities. The teacher must help child to realize we value effort more than results.

"All forms of unnecessary help are a hindrance to development." In allowing the child to work at his own pace, repeating activities, expending effort in order to overcome challenges, the teacher allows the child to grow.
